What it is...

... is really just a fairly decent collection of links to videos: documentaries, lectures, testimonies and movies. And some other stuff. Accumulated over years whilst surfing on the information waves that the vast web ocean sends to our home shore.

Much of it you will probably never see on TV. If you do, it will surely be late at night when nobody else watches. Most of these videos won't hit prime time publicity.

Although the videos will be published in a more or less random order, I can guarantee that if you follow them closely, they will change your mind and alter the way you see the world. Reality will assume a whole new meaning. It begins with somewhat conventional stuff, leading you slowly to the less known and sometimes even bizarre aspects of reality. So to give you time to adept and avoid the state of denial that a different reality may provoke.

I intentionally publish these video links without any accompanying text. Form your own opinion, make up your own mind. Just one thing: If you stop watching, ask yourself: Why? The answer may help you to understand what you are seeing. Even if it is "Poor Sound Quality".

Starting with February 14th, new video links were published each day at 12h, 16h and 20h through to 17th of March. They can be seen as an introduction to a range of topics.

20th of March is reserved for Mister David Icke, an extraordinary speaker, who is probably closer to reality then the news, despite the challenging images he invokes in his incredible lectures.

From March 25th, the second season of videos will be posted. They will be more focused, but less regular. Still, they will comprise several hours of viewing/hearing experience each week.

It is only thanks to the internet and the hosting companies that the information uplinked on this site is available to all of us. As we don't know what future holds, we might want to help preserve the information for all of humanity to learn from.